Theoretical physics

Many physicists describe natural phenomenon in terms of mathematics and mathematical formulas. This site will focus on practical applications of a realm of physics introduced popularly by Einstein. Hindu traditions, the Tao Te Ching, India's poet saints, the desert fathers, and many others were awakened in awareness enough to see the world encompasing and expanding what Newton described.   

Thinking outside the box is simply not thinking inside the box. How do I get from one place to the other efficiently and  sustainable

None of the fuel driven trains, trucks, ships, jets, cars meet both qualities. Electric cars and trucks seem to be suspect as well.

We can define the box, for we humans are great at thinking inside it. Space requires time for one to travel from one place to the other. "Beam me up Scotty     

 To answer it might be helpful to define the space that exists between one place and the other. 

Einstein coined the word symbol spacetime. Time exists between one place and and the other. It takes time to cross that space.    

Einstein coined the word symbol spacetime. Time exists between one place and and the other. It takes time to cross that space.    

For better understanding the use of language to define current theories of physics and enable discussions on how physics theories affect our daily lives.

In order to have a theory of physics the mind must be open. Time, space, light, particles, the void all exist, though perhaps not as we define them.

Our perception of time is that it exists as past, present, and future. Even these three aspects of time, as we perceive it, are subject to perception.

It is interesting to note that

Space is perceived universally as distance between objects.

Objects are perceived as dense groupings of particles with dimensional form.

Light is perceived as either waves or particles. Often photons are referred to as wavicles as they behave in ways that can be measured as either.

In reality photons could be perceived in infinite number of ways. Waves and particles are merely ways that humans measure things. We have instruments to detect and study aspects of our universe. These instruments often determine how we model, or theorize, the elements of our universe.

Links to interesting articles:

Some fringe theories go on to become a widely accepted part of physics.

Theoretical physics is a lot like sex.

Theoretical physics is a lot like sex, Nobelist Richard Feynman once quipped. “Sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.”

What is the fabric of reality.

Science is not about certainty.